- #How do i change phone license key number on disutilities how to#
- #How do i change phone license key number on disutilities registration#
- #How do i change phone license key number on disutilities verification#
How to View Status & Cancellation of Request A successful message in this regard will also be sent to you on your new mobile number.
#How do i change phone license key number on disutilities verification#
#How do i change phone license key number on disutilities registration#
Kindly complete the registration process according to the option selected by you. On successful validation, the following message will be displayed to the customer on the screen “Thanks for registering mobile number with us.Verify the information and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
Click the radio button against the option ‘Approval through Contact Centre’.As well as a successful message will be sent to the customer on his mobile number. Upon successful validation of the OTP value and reference number, the new mobile number entered will be updated in INB, CBS and ATM.On successful completion of the process, the request (change of mobile number) will be initiated.Enter the 10-digit reference number for approval of the request.Select the ‘Others’ tab on the ATM screen and choose the ‘Internet Banking Request Approval’ option.Please visit any State Bank Group ATM, swipe your card, select the ‘Services’ tab and input your PIN.for Change/Update mobile number is: UMXXXXXXXXXXX and your IRATA reference number is XXXXXXXXXX” will be sent by INB system on your new mobile number. On successful validation, a message will be displayed saying “Thanks for registering mobile number with us.Verify the entered details and click on the ‘Pay’ button.In the next screen, the ATM cards linked with the selected account will be displayed.Select the account, for which you are holding the debit card.Click on ‘IRATA: Internet Banking Request Approval through ATM’.IRATA: Internet Banking Request Approval through ATM: You will receive a successful message on your mobile number. Upon successful validation of the OTP value and reference number, the new mobile number entered by you will be copied in INB, CBS, and ATM.You need to send SMS from BOTH (old and new) mobile numbers in the following format ACTIVATE to 567676 within 4 hrs.On successful validation, INB system will send OTP along with reference number on your old as well as new mobile number.Verify the information entered and click on the ‘Pay’ button.Enter the card details (card number, valid thru/Expiry Date, Cardholder’s Name, PIN and the characters visible in the box).In the next screen, the State Bank of India’s Payment Gateway will be displayed.Select the ATM card and click on the ‘Proceed’ button.In the next screen, the ATM Cards linked with the selected account will be displayed.Select the account, for which you are holding the debit card (ATM Card).Click on ‘By OTP on both the Mobile Number’.IRATA: Internet Banking Request Approval through ATMīy OTP on both the mobile number: (if you have both new and old mobile number with you then you can proceed with this option as it will be approved online by entering the OTP which you will receive on your mobile numbers).In the next screen, you will get three methods for approval of the change of mobile number.A pop-up message will appear ‘Verify and confirm your mobile number xxxxxxxxxx’.Enter the valid new mobile number in the new mobile field and in the second field re-enter new mobile number to confirm and click on submit.Under Personal details from Mobile, Number Section click on Change Mobile Number-Domestic only (Through OTP/ATM/Contact Centre) to change your registered mobile number.Navigate to Profile > Personal Details, and enter the profile password.Learn How to Change Mobile Number in Online SBI IRATA: Internet Banking Request Approval through ATM:.By OTP on both the mobile number: (if you have both new and old mobile number with you then you can proceed with this option as it will be approved online by entering the OTP which you will receive on your mobile numbers).Learn How to Change Mobile Number in Online SBI.